Get to know me ...

to Inner Spheres Music, where cosmic harmony meets artistry.


Here you can feel the consciousness of an Embodied Enlightened, musical Master
Here you can feel the consciousness of an Embodied Enlightened, musical Master

Kay von Randow Inner Spheres Music Interdimensional Soundscapes

My Being

Music is the magic that weaves the fabric of my lifetimes. It took me to Germany as a young woman, where I experienced such a profound sense of belonging that my return to England was bitterly sad. The fact that I had never felt "right" in the UK now had to be acknowledged. I listened to my heart and emigrated to Germany six years later. After music opened doors to previous lives in Germany, I understood my intense emotions.

Through Pythagoras, music took me to Greece, and once I arrived, it brought back memories of several past lives.

I also found my Italian "past" through music. As someone who regularly listened to Italian music, especially that of the 16th century, there was always a feeling of knowingness, something extra but undefinable.

The existence I am living now is enriched by these lives. Despite being aware that they are 'aspects' of my composite Self, I feel them as separate and different individuals. Music, music, and more music….It flows sweetly on, weaving more and more beauty into the fabric of my consciousness.

My Team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

This is Ablesah ...

... as I was in an earlier lifetime as a musician employed by Balthazar (one of the three Magi)

Being a Zoroastrian, I listened to the stars, opened myself to receive their music and let it flow forth through my santoor, lute or lyre. At times, I also sang theese melodies in an expressive, lilting, light tenor voice.

I took my work very seriously and was a studious young man. I was so dedicated that I preferred to sit with my camel and spend many hours communing with the stars and refining my musicality rather than mixing with others and participating in the general entertainments offered to Balthazar.

This is Mariam ...

I embodied the qualities of quietness and compassion and was much respected in this lifetime as an Essene healer. With their permission, I felt into those who came to me with a sickness, using herbs and sound vibration through crystals to set them on the path back to good health.

And this is Lady Maara ...

... my beloved Maara. She is my Soul, or Master Self, a Being of pure consciousness.

My team has additional members too - but that's another story

Who am I, then?

Who am I, then? I am Kay, a complex combination of emotions, life experiences, logical reasoning, and creative intuition. I'm in transition as a human being, having transformed from the person I was to the one I am becoming. I'm continuously evolving.

Although the world sees numerous facets of Kay, my core, soul, master self, or basic essence never changes. She whispered her name to me over 20 years ago … ‘Maara,’ or at times, ‘Lady Maara.’. Although the challenges of life can make me feel isolated, Maara’s presence gives me the assurance that I am never really alone. She’s as present in everyday tasks as she is in the most gloriously creative periods of intense focus and accompanies me at all times on adventures into other realms.

Earthly Matters

Who am I, then?